Pixbin is

The easiest and most hassle free way to share photos on the web.

How simple?

Just drag an image, upload it, share it with someone and forget about it because the image will self destruct after 72 hours.


What we are not?

Pixbin is NOT yet another social network/image sharing site. We don't want to be.
If you wish to organize your photos in albums and have your friends tag/comment/whatever just use the solutions available that do that.
Pixbin is not one of those services.
If however you wish to quickly upload a photo with no registration/login required, no album creation, no hassle, then Pixbin should be your choice. Just upload and share the link with your friends.

Tell us what you think

Do you like our service? Are you interested in a premium plan? Please sign up to the mailing list below so we can notify you about new features (no spam, we promise).

Also, if you have any questions or suggestions leave us a tweet.

About us

Pixbin was founded by Deni Bertovic and Zlatko Masek to simply make the sharing of photos more hassle free. Copyright www.initeq.net 2013.

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